I’m pretty sure I haven’t even talked about the benefits of one of my favorite oils, here on my blog.  Have you ever heard of Clary Sage?  Chances are, you haven’t, unless you’ve had a natural (or medicated, for that matter) childbirth with a doula or a midwife.

Benefits of Clary Sage - BetweentheKids.comClary Sage is one of my favorite oils for several reasons.  Aside from the fact that I absolutely love the deep, earthy aroma, it has several therapeutic properties as well.

I’ve used Clary Sage at several births, and I’m always amazed at how it does it’s job beautifully!  It turned me into a believer of the power of essential oils the first time I ever used it!

Benefits of Clary Sage Essential oil

One of the most useful properties commonly applied by birth workers is to help get labor going.

  • Add a  few drops of Clary Sage to a carrier oil (I like to use coconut oil), and rub it on the moms belly as well as the acupressure points on the feet and legs (just below the knee) to help release oxytocin.
  • Deeply inhale Clary Sage to help increase the intensity of contractions.  Unlike the use of pitocin (artificial oxytocin), Clary Sage will gradually increase contraction, rather than start hot and heavy all at once!

Clary Sage also has the following therapeutic properties:

  • antidepressant
  • antiseptic
  • aphrodisiac
  • astringent
  • deodorant
  • digestive
  • relaxant
  • uterine and nerve tonic

If you have irregular or painful periods, Clary Sage can help relax and calm the inflammation of menstruation as well as help curb many of the symptoms of menopause.

Make sure you check with your midwife to make sure it’s time to start using Clary Sage!