One of the worst ever, yet common, misconceptions about losing weight is that food has to be bland and boring!  I have a sweet tooth.  I’m one of those people who feel like I have to have something sweet at least once a day.  Sweet and healthy is a plus, and simple, sweet, and healthy is a MUST!  Check out my simple blueberry smoothie recipe!

Simple Blueberry Smoothie Recipe

Simple Blueberry Smoothie Recipe

  • 1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
  • 1/4 cup of frozen (or fresh) blueberries
  • 1 tsp of honey or fig sugar (ha, got you on that one?!)

Throw everything in your Ninja Master Prep (or blender), and go to town blending!

Wondering how I made fig sugar?  Basically, I boiled my figs for about 45 minutes until the water is dark, dark.  Then, I strain the water to get all of the seeds out.  After that, I just boil, boil, boil forever until most of the water has been boiled out.  The less water, the thicker it gets.  You can stop at syrup or you can keep going to where it caramelizes more and eventually, when cooled, you’ll get sugar crystals (it won’t be dry granulated sugar!).  Very sticky mess but awesome earthy, natural, homemade sugar!