There are countless sights and experiences to be enjoyed within New York City. The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum is a unique kind educational institution that you will love, especially if you want to get a glimpse of legendary aircrafts and Space Shuttles. While its preservation as a floating museum has been well documented, there are some amazing sights that tell an interesting story about the ventures which the United States has taken into the space, the air and the sea. What can you expect when climbing on board?


Mach-Speed Excitement

Before entering the physical ship, you will be able to get an up-close look at the famous Concorde jet that was operated by British Airways until very recently. While standing next to this technological marvel is awe inspiring, there are also hourly tours, which can take you inside the cabin and cockpit to truly appreciate such an innovative aircraft.

The Flight Deck of the Intrepid

No less amazing is the view that you are afforded when climbing aboard and standing on the massive flight deck of this aircraft carrier. You may very well feel as if you are the next daredevil pilot to be propelled down the runway. Planes such as the Grumman F-14 Tomcat and the A-12 Intruder are found here. However, one of the most stunning spectacles is the stealth reconnaissance plane known as the SR-71 Blackbird. Be sure to pose in front of this sleek and intimidating plane to snap a photo or two. Finally, walk down to the stern and you can witness the Space Shuttle Enterprise; the only model of this type in existence!

The Inside of the Ship

One of the best ways to appreciate the technology involved in this aircraft carrier is to descend below decks. You will be able to see where the crews worked, the “ready room” and the area devoted to communications during World War 2 (this ship was involved in many Pacific battles). As you make your way along, you will be presented with the history and operational characteristics of the Intrepid. This is self-led tour is surely not to be missed.

The Intrepid is a true icon of naval power and thanks to it having been converted into a floating museum, it is one of the most popular attractions in New York City. You will understand why after your visit!