Have you noticed that all the good shows lately just happen to be Netflix Originals?  For one, it’s awesome, because Netflix has really upped it’s game, and for two…  well, let’s just say it… you can TOTALLY binge watch!

So aside from the ones that have already been around a while and either have multiple seasons (or they’re working on them) like Fuller House and Stranger things, let’s talk about Neil Patrick Harris and his fabulous role as Count Olaf.  Now I’m not a huge Jim Carrey fan, but let’s face it… he makes a great Count Olaf.  I would definitely say that Neil fits the role as the Count and portrays the goofiness and intentional horrible acting perfectly!

From Wikipedia:

When a mysterious fire kills their parents, the Baudelaire children are placed into the care of their distant relative Count Olaf, an actor who is determined to claim the family fortune for himself. Following Olaf’s failed attempt, the Baudelaires set out to elude Olaf and uncover the mystery behind a secret society from their parents’ past.

If you haven’t started watching Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events, you really should check it out.  If you can get past the melodramatic acting and parts of the show that are almost musicalesque, you’ll find that the series is really quite fun.

Count Olaf

The first season of the show follows the first four books of the Lemony Snicket children’s series.

My favorite character is Justice Strauss played by Joan Cusack.  She immediately falls in love with the assumed-orphaned Baudelaire children, and she helps them along the way.  She’s very quirky in the series, and she’s just silly enough to reel you into watching more.


A Series of Unfortunate Events is great show for the whole family to sit any enjoy together.  The Minion (who is 5) has said on a number of occasions that he’s not so sure about the “scary show” because the intro seems so dark, and Count Olaf can be a little creepy, but we have to remind him that it’s a funny show (even though it’s considered a dark comedy).