2014 Topps Baseball Series One Cards Review & #Giveaway | (5/6) #mlb #baseball

When I was growing up, collecting baseball cards was a BIG thing!   I had binders full of cards, and I would try to collect as many Astros cards as I could.  Back then, after the games, we were allowed to go around to the back exit of the Astrodome and meet the players as they were headed out to their cars to go home.  I would take several cards with me to the games in protective cases, and as the players would file out, I would get their autographs! In addition to taking cards to the games, I would also…
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Secret Clinical Strength Antiperspirant – $25 Walmart GC Giveaway | Great for Teens! | #teens

There are some natural things in life that just do not work for me, and deodorant is one.  Andy, Kylie, and I all three need antiperspirant, and Kylie and I are thankful for the Secret Clinical Strength.  Check out my review below, and enter to win a $25 Walmart Gift Card on behalf of Secret! The first time I'd ever heard of Secret Clinical Strength Antiperspirant was in September of 2007 when I attended my friend's outdoor wedding.  One of her bridesmaids brought some along, and let everyone use it, because let's face it, in Texas, it's still pretty hot…
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Mommy’s Club Review | All-Natural, Organic, & Toxic Free Products for the Family

Have you ever stumbled upon a company that fits your life and parenting style so perfectly that you think that it was intended specifically for you?  Last month, I was given the opportunity to review a whole plethora of products for an awesome company geared toward natural parenting moms (like me), and I instantly fell in love.  Mommy's Club has a wide variety of all-natural, organic, and toxic free formulated replacements for personal care, body, health, and home cleaning products! The more I looked into it, I realized that Mommy's Club is a membership buying club as well as a…
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Power Rangers 21st Season! | Deluxe Legendary Morpher

I remember when Power Rangers first came out, I was still in high school.  I really didn't think that all these years later, my boys would be so into Power Rangers!  Now, in it's 21st season, Power Rangers Super Megaforce is just as action packed as it was when I was younger and they were called the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! The new season premiered on Saturday, February 15th on Nickelodeon. If you missed it, you can catch encores of new episodes every Saturday at 8pm/7c now on Nicktoons. This season, in Power Rangers Super Megaforce, Prince Vekar arrives with…
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NewAir AI-150SS Countertop Ice Maker Review | #appliances

Now that the hubs and I have buckled down and started this 24 day weight loss challenge, we find ourselves drinking copious amounts of water.  The problem is, our tap water is great, bu it's just that.  Plain, ground temperature tap water.  Unless it's bottled, drinking water isn't that great without ice which makes it hard to swallow!  When we moved our new fridge in, the waterline started leaking, so we haven't been able to hook it up to the ice  maker.  With 6 people in the house, we go through small bag of ice in a day or two! …
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Glysonna All-Natural Sleep Aid Review | #Giveaway US/Can

As a mom of four with two in basketball and baseball, a wild child minion, and an I-must-go-to-any-and-every-activity-scheduled teenager,  my sleep is highly coveted.  For the past year, even though I have a great bed and ample time to sleep, I noticed that my best sleep was the hour that my husband was up and getting ready for work. You see, my husband snores - all night.  It's no secret.  Everyone knows.  He knows everyone knows so I'm throwing out any embarrassing info here, but what it shows is that he sleeps really   I don't.  Between kicking him and…
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Digitize your Digimon | DigiFusion Action Figures, App, and Series

Did you happen to catch the 6th season debut of Digimon Fusion at the end of January?! Up until a couple of weeks ago, I had not even heard of Digimon!  I asked my kids if they had ever heard of it, and they thought I was saying it wrong, and really meant Pokemon (which I didn't!).  It's kinda cool to know about a toy before my boys.  They're usually up on the lastest and greatest!  They were very excited to be introduced to the new season of Digimon Fusion and the awesome DigiFusion action figures! The first thing we…
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Skinny Limits Juice Cleanse Review – Three Day Cleanse | #juicing #juice

I'm so excited to be able to share my experience with the Skinny Limits 3 Day Juice Cleanse!  This Austin, Texas based company is dedicated to bringing the nutritious juicing options to families everywhere. You'll find out how I felt each day, and the outcome of the cleanse!  I would highly recommend this cleanse if you're looking for a great way to detox and kickstart a healthy eating lifestyle. I've come to realize that starting this Skinny Limits Juice Cleanse so soon after a couple of months worth of bad eating holidays probably wasn't the smartest thing for me to…
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Balance Your Hormones with Estroblock Dietary Supplement | #Giveaway (2/4)

As a young girl, I can remember becoming aware of my not-s0-perfect skin.  By the time I was a tween, I was embarrassed about my (what I know now is) mild acne, and by the time I was a teen, I can remember being so embarrassed when acne and pimple commercials would come on TV when I was around my friends, and I would do anything I could to cover up any imperfection on my face.  I would never have been so brave as to do a public review of a product like Estroblock like my daughter.  After all, it's…
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Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bag – Stylish, Professional, Versatile | #breastfeeding

When Jett was smaller and he was still exclusively or mainly breastfed, one of the hardest parts about being away from him for long periods of time was having to lug the breast pump bag around as well as my purse or whatever other bag I was carrying.  I'm pretty big on streamlining, and traditional pump bags make that impossible.  The Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bag makes it so much easier for me to carry everything I need like this Tricare Breast Pump in one bag without the hassle! I can remember my very first birth to attend as an…
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