Couch to 5k Day 3 – Week 1 COMPLETE! | #c25k #running #workout

Couch to 5k Day 3 was almost non-existent!  On Saturday morning at 5:15am, which would have been Day 3, I got a call from a mama who was in labor.  She rocked that labor, though, and had her baby, natural, by 8:07, and after I left the hospital, I went to see my bestie and her new baby!  I didn't get home until 3pm, rested a little, and went to our Rode0-Cook Off at church.  On Sunday, we had church and the finale of the Rodeo Cook-Off.  When we got home, I crashed for 2 hours (blissful, uninterrupted sleep!) and…
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Couch to 5k Day 2 | #c25k #running #workout

Couch to 5k Day Two was a little harder fro me.  Jett went down for two naps, but for both of them, he woke up before I could go out and jump on my treadmill. So, I decided to use an app and do a walk/run in place for Day Two.  You think it's easy, but it's pretty hard to keep a pace when you're basically standing still with a 16 month old biting your ankles. Without the timer on my treadmill to help me keep track of my seconds walking and jogging, I decided to use an app on…
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Couch to 5k Day One | #c25k #running #workout

For a few weeks, I have struggled to find a workout routine that works for me.  Everything I've looked into, I find myself dreading doing it, and I really want a workout that is going to keep me motivated and interested, without the dread and fear of having to push myself.  Sure, no pain, no gain, but when you're like me, and you absolutely HATE to get up and do it, you'd rather just forget it, not do it, and stay fat, if it's not interesting and your heart and mind aren't in it. A friend of mine keeps posting…
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