Sweet Cinnamon Infused Coconut Oil Popcorn Recipe | Primal Essence

I love having an overabundance of coconut oil around the house, because we use it for everything.  We cook with it, moisturize our skin, use it on cuts and burns, make toothpaste and so much more.  It's a great vitamin rich oil that is good for any occasion.  I was excited to find Primal Essence Infused Coconut Oils.  This is a great company that has healthy products that promote healthy living. (I love the oils in my popcorn!) Don't forget to enter the limited time giveaway below!  (ends 10/8/14) The Primal Essence Infused Coconut Oils are all natural, contain no…
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Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil Review and Giveaway

Never in my life have a followed a real recipe.  I'm the kind of person who likes to take the things she has in her kitchen and throw them together according to what I feel like goes well together!  The only time I ever even look at a recipe is when something doesn't make sense to me, or if I need to find out how to make something rise of do some fancy tricks in a way I'm not familiar! If you haven't noticed (how could you not, right?), my family and I have started eating more healthy since April. …
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