How to Get Clear Skin This Fall

It is fall, which means the clock have sprung forward and winter is coming (sorry, couldn’t resist). The fall season also means that your skincare routine needs to be shaken up a bit. The fact that seasons, along with the temperature and weather changes they bring can affect your skin considerably is taught early in skin care professional training and conferences like this aesthetic medicine conference in Nashville, TN. You probably spent all summer dousing yourself with sunscreen (or at least, we hope), which means that your skin could probably use some major love and attention. If your skin is…
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My Bamboo Boys – Homeschool Experience

I can't vlog, but they sure can!  If there's anything I've learned from this homeschool experience is that playing outside is a MAJOR part of the day.  Yesterday, we took the pool down to make way for the cooler temps and longer days playing in the backyard.  They now have a lot more room (8 feet in diameter to be exact!) to play outside, explore new things, and be boys! Today, we were going to talk about Fall and weather changes, however, this is the best way for them to experience first hand!
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