Brandcation: Ziplines and Murder Mysteries!

What do ziplines and murder mysteries have in common???  BRANDCATION!  ORLANDO, FLORIDA!! I had a BLAST yesterday at Florida EcoSafaris and Sleuth's Mystery Dinner Theater! There will be pictures and more information to come, but I just wanted to check in and let you all know that I am having a wonderful time, and it's sooo fun being a blogger! I do have video from the zipline. Some of my friends conquered HUGE fears, and it was very humbling and liberating at the same time to be there to see. We could not have asked for better guides, and the…
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Brandcation: Say it with me… I’m an Adventurous Blogger.

Four months ago, there was no way anyone in the world that anyone could tell me that I'd be going to Kissimmee, Florida for the first in for a blogging event.  To me, the name Kissimmee = MLB Spring Training.  I always thought that my first time going to Kissimmee would be to watch Astros Spring Training because it's something I've wanted to do since I was a little girl. I'm in for a different kind of training!  This time, I'll be getting in touch with my adventurous side! Remember when I went to New Orleans for Bloggers on Bourbon…
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