Water Park Safety Tips for this Summer | #safety #summerfun

Water parks are a fun activity for any summer afternoon or weekend, but with the combination of small children and water, there are a few safety tips that you should have under your belt before heading out. Always pay attention to your kidlets- This is a no brainer for any parent during any situation, but it's especially important around water. Accidents are less likely to happen when you have a constant eye on your children. On a similar note, make sure they know to never swim alone. Recognize the signs of drowning- Unlike the movies, drowning won't be obvious. Your…
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6 Activities the Whole Family is Sure to Enjoy | #family #summer #kids

If your kids groan over "family time," don't take it as an insult. Instead, take it as a sign that you need to ramp up your creativity and try some new experiences together. For instance, if you have space in your home, you may consider getting a pool table from a ​Pool table delivery company. Here are some more activities that will get everyone in on the fun. Camping at Home Image via Flickr by Chris Penny You don't have to pack up the car and head for the wilderness to have a bit of a camping trip. Pitch a…
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