Would you be able to use this blogger’s keyboards?

Almost 2 years ago, I posted a picture of my keyboard and asked, "Would you be able to use this blogger's keyboard?" Asus A month and a half after that post, my computer crashed, and I had to get another one! The laptop I have now is about a year and nine months old, and this is what it looks like! It's a good think I pretty much NEVER use the bracket key!  (I still have the key, by the way, it just won't stay on, and if I leave it laying on the keyboard, it always ends up in…
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Would you be able to use this blogger’s keyboard?

Aside from the fact that I need to get a can of air after my keyboard, would you be able to type on it?  Correctly? Most people would not.  This is after about a year and a half of daily use. Try putting stickers over the letters on your keyboard and see how well you can type!  It's not easy if you're a pecker! (Ha, you know what I mean!)
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