Tropical Traditions: And the winner is…

Congratulations, Abbi!  You will soon have your very own container of Tropical Traditions Oxygen Bleach. Thank you all so much for participating!  Also, thank you to Tropical Traditions for providing the product for this giveaway. Abbi will have 48 hours to respond to my email.  If she does not do so within the time frame, I will choose another winner.  Thank you!
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Tropical Traditions Oxygen Bleach Review and #Giveaway

Being one of the head haunchos for a nonprofit organization is a wonderfully fulfilling duty. I am the Operations Manager of a small public charity that does not get much recognition outside of our own fast growing community of a specific genre, however, the work we do has been known to not only help families - but change their lives. That said, there is, at times, a dirty side to this job! Yep, I'm in the business of cloth diapers - The Cloth Diaper Foundation. Before you yes, the diapers that we are donated are mostly used, but when they…
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Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil Review and Giveaway

Never in my life have a followed a real recipe.  I'm the kind of person who likes to take the things she has in her kitchen and throw them together according to what I feel like goes well together!  The only time I ever even look at a recipe is when something doesn't make sense to me, or if I need to find out how to make something rise of do some fancy tricks in a way I'm not familiar! If you haven't noticed (how could you not, right?), my family and I have started eating more healthy since April. …
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MyKindaRain – Tropical Traditions Detergent Giveaway!

One of my besties, Lori from My Kinda Rain, is having an AWESOME giveaway on her blog!  You are TOTALLY going to want to sign up for this one!  It's SO easy to enter - takes virtually no time at all!  (Just FYI, I won THIS giveaway, so it's definitely attainable!) Tropical Traditions Powdered Laundry Detergent cleans and removes stains from your laundry with the power of Oxygen Bleach Destainer and Deodorizer. Powdered Laundry Detergent is safe and effective at ALL temperatures on whites, permanent press, bright colors, pastels, prints, and delicates in hard or soft water. (Not suitable for…
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