5 Winter Activities to Keep Toddlers Busy | #kids #winter

Winter can be tough for both toddlers and parents, but with an arsenal of activities up your sleeve, you won't be worn out because they'll be too busy creating to destroy the house and your patience! DIY frozen balloons - This fun winter activity is the perfect science experiment to do with the kidlets. First, add food coloring to water ballons, then fill with water and place outside in the snow until frozen. When they're hard, peel off the balloon and viola you now have frozen ice that looks like a marble. Make snow flakes- Teach kidlets how to cut…
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Winter jackets for girls track meets?! Come on, #Spring! | #weather

I read a few posts, on Facebook and in my news apps, that Punxsutawney Phil was being indicted for lying about Spring being right around the corner!  Not too long after that, I saw a meme that said something along the lines of "Spring needs to man up and show Winter who's boss!" Seriously. It's April, and Winter is still trying to hang around, even in the south.  We've had crazy cool temperatures here, the past couple of days, and although I like it, I'm kinda ready for Spring to move in.  Never, would we have thought, that we'd have…
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