If there’s anything I’ve learned in this wide world of homeschool, it’s that you kinda do what works for you and the little people, and don’t let anyone push you do do anything differently!  Now, if I were a dead-beat mom who shut ’em up in their rooms with a loaf of bread, pan of water, and tv remote, that would be a totally different story!

Contrary to what I figured coming into this, the family and my friends have been SO supportive and extremely helpful!  I even caught my mom telling Kylie the other day “you haven’t even given it a CHANCE!”

Ya see, Kylie needs a public school detox. She’s really hung up on what she’s “missing” that she’s not thinking about what she is and will be doing!  Blame it on her age, her gender, whatever, she CRAVES social attention.  Her biggest blessing and curse (like me) is that she lives in the moment.  I think it’s a FABULOUS place to be.. in the moment.. however, from experience, we tend to hang on to the negatives nows a bit longer than the positives ones.  I’m fairly sure this month has felt like an entire year to her, because she’s a social pixie.  Not a butterfly, but a pixie – a TOTAL mischievous one, she can be!  She knows how to worm her way into just about any social setting, sprinkle her little flickery sparkle dust, and the world instantly loves her.

Kyliebelle Art Class 2010
I can't wait to see her finished product!

If you think back with me for a second, we not only moved into a new home, but a totally different town, mid-summer.  During that time, Kylie spent a week with one sister, a week with my parents, another week with my other sister, another week with my parents, and she’s basically been back and forth and back and forth from here to there and everywhere.  She’s not had time to meet anyone in the area – not because I lock her in the closet at the bottom of the stairs – but because she’s not been home.  It’s a good thing that her school is portable!

Last week, Kylie broke down like a kid being dragged out of a toy store empty handed.  She didn’t want to be homeschooled, she missed her friends, she.. she.. she.. she..  What she didn’t stop to think about (while stuck in the now) was that she hasn’t been home long enough to make new friends, get involved in the preteen group at church, meet other homeshoolers, etc., AND soccer hasn’t started yet!

As soon as she got home from my parents’ on Saturday, guess what?  The neighbor invited her to a birthday party..  What do you know.. there where tons of preteens (up til WAY last – we heard ’em in the backyard screamin’ and hollerin’) her age who all lived on this street and the one over.  Then, on Sunday morning, she was finally able to go to HER Sunday School class and she not only met new friends, but she met another homeschool family!

Soccer doesn’t start until next week, but I’m fairly sure it’s a VERY social event!  I think she’ll have a totally new outlook on everything once we really get up and going, and nail down a not-so-routine.  Right now, she’s super stoked that her online curriculum Time4Learning has opened up it’s Art section for her.  She’s designing a candy bar at the moment.  I tried to talk her into doing a healthy protein bar, but hey.. you pick your battles, right?

I keep hitting her over the head with the proverbial “Rome wasn’t built in a day..” garb,  and I think she’s finally understanding!

We’re not giving up, and we’re so glad that you’re not giving up on us either!