Is your family new to the health and fitness world? Have you decided to use your New Year’s Resolution as a catalyst to live a healthier lifestyle? If so, below is a list of the perfect stocking stuffers to help you and your family get started in the new year!Health and Fitness Stocking Stuffers

Pedometer – The recommended guideline is that able bodied adults should take at least 10,000 steps per day to strive for a healthier lifestyle. One of the best tools out there for measuring steps is a pedometer. Worn on your belt or waist of your pants, this little tool will track the number of steps you take each day. They don’t have to be expensive either. You can get a good pedometer locally for around $15. I would recommend one with a cover so that you do not hit the reset button all the time!

Reusable Water Bottle – It is very important to stay hydrated when you are active.  One of the best ways to ensure that you do is to keep a reusable, refillable water bottle on you at all times.  There are all kind of reusable water bottles ranging from plain screw on caps, pop up squirt caps, to nifty bottles that keep track of how many ounces you’ve had to drink for the day.  Choose one that best fits your needs, form a relationship with it, and use it!

MP3 Player – Nothing gets you going during a work out quite like music does!  You don’t have to spend and arm and a leg on an MP3 player!  You can even find some under $30 that will do the job.  To save even more money, you can find free downloads at iTunes and AmazonMP3 all the time.  (I’m an 80’s fan, as you know, so my MP3 player is always juiced with 80’s pop!!) Workout music rocks!

Soft Headbands – This would be more for woman, although, there may be some men out there who would like to use them!  I’ve found that soft, fabric headbands hold my hair out of my face better than just throwing it up in a ponytail holder.  There’s no reason to be agitated while you’re working out!

Walking Workout DVDs – If you’re just starting out, you may not want to go all hot and heavy while you’re working out.  If you’re overweight, like me, starting out with simple walking DVDs are effective tools for strengthening not only muscles, but it’s great for cardio.  Walk at Home with Leslie Sansone DVDs are perfect, perfect, perfect for beginners. You can even find a couple of samples on YouTube.

One of the most important things to remember when starting a new workout regime is to start slow.  I know the old saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” is cliche, but it’s so very true!  These health and fitness stocking stuffers are a great way to help your family get started toward a fun and healthy lifestyle!