I love my Smooth Fitness Treadmill!

The number one, all time, New Year Resolution is to lose weight.  For most people, that is their resolve – every year.  What does that tell you? You’re right, a large majority of those who have these big plans of losing weight do not stick with it after about a month.  Personally, I feel it’s because they’re doing it for the wrong reason.  The commitment to yourself should be to get healthy and live that way. After that, the weight should fall off.

If you’re looking to start out the New Year on the right track by resolving to completely change your lifestyle, you should look into getting a Smooth Fitness Treadmill.  I know, from experience, that when I invest in something, be it a lot of time, money, sweat and blood, etc., I’m more prone to protecting and following through with my investment.  For me, I worked very hard for this Smooth Fitness Treadmill, and I’m still working hard for it, and with it.

I love having the freedom to get up and walk, jog, or run, anytime I’d like without having to worry about leaving the house, what the weather is like, what I’m going to do with the kidlets while I’m exercising, what I’m wearing, or what anyone thinks about what I look like while attempting to run!

smooth fitness treadmill review

I also love that it fits so nicely, in my bedroom, with plenty of room to walk around it WITHOUT folding it up, however, when folded, it gives me that much more space!!

I was determined that the Smooth Fitness treadmill was not going to be come a clothes hanger (like workout equipment has in the past around here), and thankfully, it hasn’t!  I use it almost daily, and I’m so thankful to have been given the opportunity of convenient and good health with this wonderful tool from Smooth Fitness!

working out with smooth fitness treadmill

Take that leap!  Save your money, ask for that last minute delivery from Santa, or just run out and do something great for yourself.  2011 will NOT be the year of resolution failure for you, and you can break out of the viscous cycle in 2012 and decide to embark on a new and different commitment! With a Smooth Fitness Treadmill, your health, and your family, will thank you!