When Hawk was still in cloth diapers all day, I had transformed his pack-n-play into a changing station FULL of cloth diapers!

I would make sure, that when I would have people over, or I would take pictures, that all of my favorite cloth diapers were on top so that they could be seen.  Yes, I wanted to show them off!  What a better way to get people to ask about, and interested in, cloth diapers, than to show off the REALLY cute ones!

In this picture, he’s wearing a Jolly Bums (so is the bright yellow/green one).  Sadly, they’re no longer around (I still have that diaper.. crazy?), but I can look in that basket and remember just about what all of them are and where they came from!  (Hehe, I an’t believe I had so many BumGenius – the light green ones!)  I also see a Little Rain Dancers (the red hibiscus), Cub Covers (the blue under the LRD), AngelLuvs custom top loader (olive green fleece at the top) and Happy Heinys (blue under the first (bottom) light green BG).  If I remember correctly, Tina, from Sunshine Wishes made the Monkey fitted cloth diaper, but I am not 100% sure.  That diaper was one of my VERY favorites!  Soon after this picture, I fell in love with Little Boppers Cuddle Buns, and Little Bean Diapers, made by my good friend, Christi!

cloth diaper changing station

Do you have an elaborate set up for your cloth diapers?  What were your favorite cloth diaper brands from the past?  What are your favorite brands now, and do you tend to make sure they are seen when in public or when you have companies?  Do you ever take pictures, to post on Facebook or elsewhere, and make sure just the right amount of the diaper is seen so that everyone knows that you cloth diaper your baby?