Check out these quick workout moves you can do while you’re watching your favorite movies or TV shows!

I mentioned this Couch Potato Quickie Workout last week, and even linked to it, but I thought I would come back to it and devote an entire post to it.

I would suggest working out to a comedy or something you’re really interested in, so that you don’t think about how it can get a little difficult pretty quickly!

Don’t forget to stretch before and after you do these!  Just because you’re doing these while you’re watching TV, doesn’t mean you can slack on keeping your body safe!  Oh, and stay hydrated!

leslie sansone, easy workoutIf you’re not a TV watcher, but you’re looking for an easy workout, I would suggest putting a little pep in your step in the mornings and walk a mile with Leslie Sansone.  She’s fabulous, very motivational, and it’s just walking.  Easy!

Remember, you’re not going to get results if you do not make it a habit to workout consistently!  If you need something to do indoors because of nasty weather, Walk at Home with Leslie Sansone is great, and so is the Couch Potato Quickie Workout!