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Roundabouts® Cupcake Sleeves – Great for any cupcake occasion!


Not really have time to decorate cupcakes for the big day?  No worries.  A busy mom of two invented an awesome new product that we can all take advantage of from time to time – Roundabouts® Cupcake Sleeves!

Featured in Rachel Ray Magazine, these adorable cupcake dress-up sets were named Most Innovative Exhibitor Award at the 2010 July CA Gift Show in Los Angeles.  They are simple wraps that transform your plain, ordinary cupcakes into just about anything you can imagine.

Roundabouts® Cupcake Sleeves:

Using toppings easily found at a grocery or local party supply store, our decorative self-adhesive cupcake wrappers instantly transform cupcakes into popcorn tubs, gumball machine, sushi, and ice cream cones.  Our wraps are resistant to grease an oily substance, are earth friendly, and wipe clean if things get a bit messy in the kitchen! We’ve even had customers wash and re-use them, adhering a second time with a dab of frosting.

Kylie and I decided to put them to the test.  She had just come home from her Mimi’s house, and she was itching to bake (like she always is when she gets back from having free reign of Mimi’s kitchen!).  We’re not much of pretty cake or cupcake bakers, because Nana and “Aunt” Stephanie are the ones in the family who were blessed with this gene, but we do our best!  Now, we don’t have to worry about how our cupcakes will turn out!

Roundabouts® Cupcake Sleeves sent us our very own set to try out, and we were excited to receive the Lil’ Burger Sleeves. Our Hamburger Cupcakes actually turned out great!  Kylie had a blast with them, and they were headache and stress free!

It would have been better if we’d have had sesame seeds to top these cute little burgers, but Kylie decided that they were ok how they were in case someone was allergic to sesame seeds (that’s a common problem, ya know!)

We went on a mission to make brown icing, just like we were instructed (all we had was cream cheese icing)!  We think they turned out perfectly!

With 70+ Designs such as Kid’s Party CupcakesTeen’s Party CupcakesCustom Designed Cupcake Sleeves, all of the holidays and TONS more, you’re sure to find Roundabouts® Cupcake Sleeves for any occasion!

Purchase your own Roundabouts® Cupcake Sleeves here!  Choose from 70+ designs!

WIN a set of Roundabouts® Cupcake Sleeves (I’m pretty sure that you do not get a choice of what they send.)

Please make sure you leave one comment per entry!  If tell me everything you did in one comment, it’s only one entry!

Mandatory Entry

Please visit the Roundabouts® Cupcake Sleeves website and tell me which sleeve is your favorite! (1 entry)

Bonus Entries

Follow Roundabouts® Cupcake Sleeves on Facebook (1 entry)

Follow Roundabouts® Cupcake Sleeves on Twitter (1 entry)

–Tweet the following on Twitter:  @RoundaboutWraps – Cupcake Sleeves #Giveaway! Review by @ljenator! http://wp.me/p1cgPs-fc (1 entry per tweet, unlimited but make sure you don’t overwhelm your followers!)

–“Like” 50in8.com on Facebook. (1 entrys)
–Follow me on Twitter: @ljenator (1 entry)
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**US Residents only – Giveaway winner will be chosen via the “And the Winner Is..” application on 50in8.com on Tuesday, February 15 at Noon Central.  I will contact the winner via email and that person will have 48 hours to respond with full name and address.

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