I started to search for something on my phone this morning, when bright orange shoes caught my eye.  Yes, it was the cover story on AT&T’s mobile site (my default – pfft) that made me click.  The headline?

NFL Player Fined for What He Wore

So.. I clicked on “See for yourself”

Apparently, Earl Bennett was fined $5,000 for wearing these shoes:

Even though he was warned that he would be fined, Bennett makes $550,000 a year, so he wasn’t really worried about one fine.  HOWEVER, the question isn’t if his wife was upset with him for letting those orange Nikes kick five grand to the curb.  The question is, how much money did he MAKE off of those orange shoes? I’m sure there was a worth while deal in there somewhere!  If there wasn’t… I’m sure there is now!

Even NFL players don’t take a deliberate fine for nothing!