Guess Jett’s Most Used Nickname 

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Growing up, I was always Boss Hogg – for obvious reasons.  My daddy gave me that name and still calls me by it sometimes.  My mom’s nickname was Broom-Hilda, because that’s how my dad said it. My younger sister was either Dodo Bozio Bamboozle.  My older sister Kim, was always the obvious name of Bimbo.  Daddy, even though his name  is Larry Louis his nickname was Bobcat that eventually just made its way to Larry Bob, and because we’re from Texas, shortened to Lar-Bob.

Andy’s aunt calls him Andy Pandy.  His other nicknames are Dad, Daddy, Andyroo, and Agent Underhand (xbox).

Kylie has many.  Kyliebelle, Kyliebug, Belle, Bellabug, Weirdo (our fave)
Braxton’s is obvious.  Brax.  Then there’s the ocassional Braxtonian.
Hawk.. well, Hawkster, and because he nursed so long, my dad occasionally still calls him Tit Mouth. *sigh*

So…. Guess Jett’s MOST USED Nickname!

Easy entry!


After you vote in this poll
comment below with the name you chose
a funny nickname story you have!!

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I will take all of the CORRECT answers and choose a winner from those people via

Poll will close at 11:59pm on December 12.  Winner will be contacted, and will have 24 hours to contact me or another winner will be chosen.  One entry per person.  This giveaway is sponsored by my Between the Kids.