Is it possible to lose 20 pounds in 31 days if you’re extreeeeeeeeeeeeemly overweight?  I think so.

I’m about to take The Great Deflation to a different level since I’ve been stuck at only 10 pounds lost!

Ok so 20 pounds seems like a lot, and it might just seem unhealthy to lose that much weight in a month, but I’ve done it before (very healthily), and I think, if I put my mind to it, I can do it again.  When you start out on the “obese” side it’s to drop a lot of weight, really quickly.  The key is to stick with it, and change your habits.

This little chunk weighs just about 20 pounds:

Now, the race is on.  With determination, good food, lots of water, and getting off my rear… I can do this!  I do, however, have to take into account that I’m breastfeeding, so making sure I’m getting a lot of water and a great variety of foods is absolutely essential.

Will you support me?