I am a Brandcation Lifer!  There are a few of us who have attended all of the Brandfluential: Brandcation events, and we will continue to do so as long as we’re able (and quick enough to get a ticket) in the future!

I’m especially excited, this time, because we’ll be headed out to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee which is actually where we’re planning next year’s family vacation.  My dad already has specific instructions for me to gather certain information while I’m there – especially the happenings at:

Sooooo… how does THIS look for a road trip???  Lori, from MyKindaRain, and I will depart on October 3 and make the 16 hour trek to Pigeon Forge (we’ll obviously be stopping somewhere on the way to get a little shut eye!)

My dad has promised that he can shave off some time for us by directing us on a different route.

No worries, we’ve kinda done this before!  The very first Brandcation was in New Orleans, Louisiana – Bloggers on Bourbon, and we drove there and back!  It wasn’t so bad, however, I think the trip to Tennessee will make us think twice about being in a car for more than 20 minutes at a time.. for like.. ever.

I’m soooooo excited to be heading to DOLLYWOOD!!

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