We’ve not even been in our new home two full weeks AND we just had the internet activated yesterday, and guess what Andy asks me when he walks in the door yesterday?  “Have you posted about the new house yet?”

Well no, dear, I haven’t. (Sorry, John.)

As excited as I am about this house, I’ve not only been without internet, fumbling over not-yet-unpacked stuff, trying to keep things out of Jett’s mouth, and dealing with the boys fighting over which game they want to play while it’s been raining all week (on top of cooking 3 meals a day, cleaning, laundry, laundry, laundry, unpacking, etc., I don’t have any really good AFTER photos, because, well… we have boxes and bins and junk piled to the ceilings!!!

So, no, on top of not really having time to post, I think I’ll wait until we’re more settled in to post good before and after shots!  It’s also really hard to get good angles for photos in this house while in repair, as there were many repairs necessary for the house, like the ceiling or check if the drain smells to find a solution for this.

For a teaser, though, here’s a before/during shot of the hallway!  I have to say, though, I really, really love the color of my walls!  Interactive Cream.  Sherwin Williams.