One of Kylie’s favorite historical stories and movies is Titanic.  She loves reading about the history, relationships, and even looking at all of the cool items that have been recovered from the ship.

When I told her that I’d be going to the Titanic Museum in October for Brandfluential: Brandcation Blog Cabin, she was extremely jealous, and wondered if I could smuggle her to Pigeon Forge in the trunk.

Sans the ship actually sinking, how cool would it have been to be able to be on the Titanic? I bet my friend Candy, from Serendipity Mommy, would have been a rockin’ chef aboard the ship!!

Check out this video!  You get a boarding pass, and you’re guided through history!  This place is going to be so awesome.  I really can’t wait.

Next summer, the Titanic Museum is going to be at the top of my list for our family vacation to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge!

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