To continue with our awesome Baby Shower Event, we have a product that is great for families who live in colder or windy climates!

7 A.M. Enfant has a pretty cool baby shield that protects your little ones from the elements!

The Baby Shield is a two in one product with two interchangeable covers to protect against different weather conditions.  One zippered cover protects from the extreme winter weather while the second zippered cover shields from the windy and moderately windy spring/fall days.

Win your very own Baby Shield from 7 A.M. Enfant! The winner will be able to request a color and size, however, remember that what is sent is based in availability. The SRP is as follows:  Small: $138;  Med: $158;  Large: $178

This giveaway starts at midnight on August 3 and runs until August 24th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you to my dear and wonderful friend Sheri at for putting this giveaway together and hosting it!