I’ve been up since about 5:30 thinking about birth.  It could be, because, in my life, today is a popular day for births.

Two of my nephews, Tyler and Samuel, were born on September 15 (different years).  I have a cousin who’s little one, Karlee, was born on September 15.  I’ve had TWO clients have babies on different September 15ths, and right now, I have two friends who are hoping and praying that today is the last day that they are pregnant because they are both right on the cusp of going into labor!

Kealy, who has been a long time friend and was the first mom to attend our Mother Blessing has her birth tub set up and ready for her homebirth. Now, I’m just waiting for the call from her doula (and my friend) Tara Phears, so that I can light my support candle for Kealy and cut the symbolic mama cord from my wrist which signifies my support for her during labor.

september 15 is a popular day for births
The blue and brown cord represents Kealy.

My other friend, Jennifer, from Sweet T Makes Three, has an EDD of yesterday, which was also her 10th Anniversary (congratulations!!), so she’s hoping today is the day, as well!

Of course, we all know, if left alone, babies will get here when they get here!

Today is also the birthday of:

  • Prince Harry
  • Fay Wray (remember the gal King Kong grabbed?)
  • Marco Polo (yes, he’s a real dude!)
  • Dan Marino
  • Heidi Montag
  • Oliver Stone
  • Tommy Lee Jones
  • Chelsea Staub
  • Agatha Christie
  • President William H. Taft (he was the 27th prez!)

September 15 also plays date of birth to my newly pregnant friend, Erica.  Congratulations and Happy Birthday, girl!

Happy Birth and Birthing Day to all!