Last month, when I went to Brandcation, I was introduced to an awesome small clothing manufacturer called Gruntstyle.  In 2009, Drill Sargeant Alarik founded Grunt Stlye Military and Patriotic Streetwear.

Grunt Style…I was training recruits on a rifle range at Ft. Benning, Georgia, when I realized I had a problem.  I loved our country and was very proud of our military but there was nothing cool and fashionable that I could wear that could express this.  Four months later, we started Grunt Style LLC.   Our simple goal is to make the best fashionable apparel for patriots and the military that instills pride.

Support a small business this holiday season, and grab a few Grunt Style products to wrap up and put under your tree for your family this year.

I love Grunt Style clothes, because they’re not the cookie cutter patriotic clothes that you see all over the place with the block flag, or the red, white, and blue USA images.  They have true gritty style, and they are well made clothes.

A few of my favorite Grunt Style Military and Patriotic Streetwear Shirts:


Grunt Style Military Streetwear

grunt style military streetwear

grunt style

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