When I was a kid, I can remember my mom having a hard time getting us to take our vitamins.  They were hard, chalky, and they left a horrible after taste so we always had to chase them down with a glass of water or juice.  We’d never ask for more than one, and oftentimes, we’d make sure not to remind her that we needed to take our vitamins.  That’s not the case with the great tasting Target up&up Adult and Children’s Gummy Vitamins.

Target up&up Adult and Children's Gummy VitaminsNow, I have no problems getting my kids to take their vitamins.  If anything, the only problem I have is getting them to stop bugging me about taking more than their daily dose.  If it were up to Brax and Hawk, they’d eat an entire bottle of Target up&up Children’s Gummy Vitamins in one sitting.

My boys don’t always eat their recommended daily doses of all the food groups, so it’s essential that I keep them on a vitamin that’s good for them, and that keeps them interested in actually taking them every day, so that when they’re older, they’re in the habit of making healthy choices that includes a daily vitamin.

I love that up&up also has an Adult Gummy Vitamin formula, not only for myself, but for my teenager who is too old for the children’s vitamins, but she’s not too keen on swallowing pills whole.

Did I mention they taste great?  We love the sweet berry flavors of the vitamins, and it’s hard for all of us to only eat two a day.  They’re very soft, very tasty, and packed full of the essential vitamins we need.

Target up&up Adult and Children's Gummy Vitamins

up&up offers a variety of vitamins for everyone in the family from gummies to pill form vitamins.  Not only does up&up provide my family with great products, but the price is right, and we’ve definitely made the permanent switch to these gummie vitamins.

The up&up brand is available exclusively at Target, and they offer over 1,000 quality products from 45 different categories such as baby care,  household care, health care, and so much more.

Be sure to check out Target’s up&up brand money saving coupons.

 Disclosure: I was paid to review Target’s up&up Adult and Children’s Gummy Vitamins.  All opinions are my own.