I’ll have to admit, this week has been a struggle!  I feel like I haven’t really started much, even though I know I have, for a couple of reasons.

AKA, read excuses below.

weekly weightloss updateThe first one, is.. we lost our scale in the move.  I haven’t had a chance to get out and find one that I like, and I’m turning up nothing on my favorite deals sites.  This weekend, I plan to get a scale.  For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been running over to my mom’s house and weighing in, but when I was there yesterday, I forgot – of course.

We still haven’t moved things around in the garage to get the treadmill out, and I’ve had an earache for the last week, and I don’t want to get out in this cold weather!  I have a walking buddy if I want, and as much as I would love her company for 30 minutes of alone time a day, the times we can walk together just don’t line up.

I just don’t want to work out, right now with the stuff that I have in the house.  Flat out.  No excuse.  I just don’t want to.

sno ballsLast week, Kylie introduced me to the best, worst things in the world.  Sno Balls.  Yeah, don’t think that just because Hostess is no longer, that these yummy crummy things aren’t still being made by someone else.  They are, and they are so good.  No, I haven’t eaten a whole box of these things, but I know that one.. or two.. maybe three… is counterproductive for me (or anyone) looking to get healthy.

I was talking to a friend this week, and although I knew this information, what she said made a lot of sense.  She told me that she would make sweet tea.  She’s drink 2 quarts of sweet tea a day, which had a half of a cup of sugar in it.  Once she cut out the sugar and started using an alternative, she lost 40 pounds in this.long.of.a.period.of.time.  I can’t remember.

Why?  Not because she just stopped drinking a half of a cup of sugar a day, but because when she cut out that sugar, she stopped craving other sugary things.  When she stopped craving sugary things, she started eating better, and not going over board on sugar.  That’s when she lost the weight. According to experts from a weight loss clinic, this is because sugar is one of the primary things our body tends to crave, making us gain weight.

So, this next week, on top of cutting out fried foods and cokes (which I’ve done very well, thank.you.very.much), I’m going to work on cutting out sugary things.  It’s not that I eat a lot of sugar, but I find that if I get up and eat something with sugar in the morning, my friend is right.. I want it all day long.  That’s when I over-do it.  That’s when I lose control of the progress I’ve made.

So yeah, my last reason or excuse for not really feeling like I’ve started with a healthier me…. is me.  My mind.  I’m not there.  I haven’t been able to cut the Sno Ball purse strings yet.  For some reason, (and again, we’re not talking about eating a whole box) I haven’t been able to let go of the sugar.

I’m working on it!