If you remember, not too long ago, I did a blog post on how to store fresh lemon juice.  It seems as if there is an abundance of lemons in the Houston area, and I have squeezed, strained, and frozen every lemon I can get my hands on!  Why? Lemons are fantastic little fruits.  From  medicinal to cleansing, there are many fantastic household uses for lemons!

Aside from lightening our hair like we all did when we were younger, lemon juice can be handy to have in your cupboard or freezer.

household uses for lemons

When life gives you lemons… making lemonade is only one option!

Sooth your Throat

Lemon juice is antibacterial.  Did you know that?  They aren’t just telling you to drink tea with lemon and honey for their health!  They’re telling you to do it for YOUR health!  Drink diluted lemon juice or gargle to help sooth and heal a sore throat.

Morning Detox

Nutritionist, Cynthia Pasquella, once told me that drinking a warm cup of water with lemon will help detoxify your body from overnight bacteria.  Lemon juice is also anti-inflammatory, and will help with kidney infections or UTIs.

Clean Copper or Brass

We learned this long ago with ketchup!  My grandmother told us to rub ketchup on the bottom of our brass pans to clean them, but really, it was the acid in the tomatoes, and lemon juice works just as well!  All you have to do is mix with enough salt to make a paste and rub it on your copper or brass. Let it sit for a bit and rinse.  It doesn’t take long, and you’ll be able to see the difference pretty quickly.

Clean your Wooden/Bamboo Cutting Board

I learned this one accidentally!  One night, I was juicing lemons, and I got distracted and forgot to come back to it.  The next morning, my bamboo cutting board had a nice round bright spot on it from where my lemon cleaned and “bleached” it.  (No more onion smell, either!)

Stain Remover

I make my own detergent, so I already have Borax handy, but if you don’t, you can use salt or your own detergent.  Make a paste and rub it on your stain.  Let it sit for a while, and wash.  (You can also add it to your laundry as an alternative to bleach.)

Water Stain Remover (Toilets and Showers)

Same as a stain remover.  You can use Borax or salt and put it in your toilets.  Walk away and relax for a bit.  A couple of hours later, brush the toilet to remove the stains.

Facial Cleanser

I’ve been told that you can use lemon juice as a facial cleanser or to clear up blemishes, but be careful.  You don’t want to overdo the acid on your face!

Fun use for Lemon Juice

Dab a Qtip or paintbrush in lemon juice and write a secret note on white paper.  When you hold it up to a heat source, like a lamp, the lemon juice will discolor and the message will be revealed!

What are some of your favorite uses for lemon juice?