Did I tell you about the time the cloth diaper saves the baseball game?

Not too long ago, we were at a friend’s baseball game when it started to rain.  We kinda knew it was going to rain, but we didn’t think it would rain until later.  The umpires were unprepared.  They didn’t bring towels to dry the baseballs off.

They were all scrambling to find a towel, when a mom from the stands said “I have a pair of practice baseball pants!”, and she offered up the gray, polyester pants.  They were happy with that.

Now, the cloth diapering mom that I am, knows, that there is no way, on God’s green Earth, that, that those gray, polyester pants were going to do the trick.  Polyester repels, not absorbs!  It was just going to smear the water, not soak it up.

They put a call out… does anyone have a towel?  Silence.  A rag?  Silence.  A shirt?  Silence.  A cloth diaper or anything?

Of course, I perked up and immediately said, “If anyone would have a cloth diaper in this entire town, it would be me, but I just sent hubby to get something to eat with the baby and his diaper bag!”  I knew she didn’t mean a pocket or an AIO.  She was thinking flay, maybe prefold. Probably prefold.

I was sitting there, a little disappointed, that someone in my mainstream town asked about a cloth diaper, and me, one of the key players in the area’s cloth diaper community, couldn’t deliver.

I sat there for a few minutes. and it HIT me!  OH MY GOSH!  I have a freakin’ cloth diaper!

I reached up under the hem of my shirt, and pulled out my lone Curity flat from underneath my shirt tucked into a belt buckle that I grabbed right before we left the house, in case of an emergency.

It was kismet.

I proudly pulled it out, and loudly proclaimed, “OH WAIT!  I have a cloth diaper!!  Here you go!”

Sadly, the only person who cared was the mom who was looking for one for the umpires, and everyone else sat there under their umbrellas eating their nachos and burgers.  But I didn’t care.  I saved the game with my son’s flat cloth diaper.

It wasn’t until after the game, and I got into the car that I realized that I would never see my vintage Curity flat diaper again.  That umpire had no idea that he was holding a piece of cloth probably worth anywhere from $5-8!  (Which is like a bar of gold in cloth diaper currency, if you think about it!)

It was ok, though!  It was the best sacrifice of the game!

Cloth Diaper save the Baseball Game