It is no secret that I do my part to give my kiddos a healthy start to life.  I birth naturally, I breastfeed, I use cloth diapers, among many other things.  But do you know that even the healthy choices that we make still pose risks beyond face value?  What are you doing to decrease chemical exposure in your home?

Have you ever thought about the things in life that don’t necessarily cancel each other out but prove less effective for our common goal of being healthy?

Pregnancy and Birth

Families who chose to birth naturally and delay or not vaccinate because we do not want the harmful chemicals in our babies’ bodies may want to think about choosing what we put into our own bodies far before pregnancy is even a thought.  Did you know that according to Healthy Child, studies show that children are first exposed to chemicals while still in the womb?  The safest place possible, for a baby to be, and she can be born with over 200 chemicals in her cord blood.


Breast is best for your baby.  Although still far less chemicals than found in formula, did you know that breast milk has been studied and found to contain BPA, flame-retardants, and other environmental chemicals?

Growing and Playing

There have been so many recalls on children’s toys and jewelry due to high levels of lead, but did you also know that a study that was done with 10 different face paints (like the paints used on your children at fairs, parks, and parties), all 10 tested positive for lead?

Decrease Chemical Exposure in your Home

Check out this informative, eye-opening, and inspiring video (3.5 minutes) about how the safety of your home has evolved.

Healthy Child, Healthy World offers 5 Easy Steps to decrease chemical exposure in your home.

Seventh Generation1.  Take off your shoes at the door.  We wear shoes to protect our feet from the world around us, but how many of us actually take off our shoes before entering our homes?  We walk with our chemical laden shoes on the floor where we put the baby to learn how to crawl and walk.  The same floor that we scatter chemical free toys for little ones to chew on. 85 of all dirt in our home comes from what we track in on our shoes.  You wash your hands when they are dirty or messy.  Why not take off your shoes when you come into your home?

2.  Buy safer body care.  Your little ones’ bodies are still developing.  On average, they are exposed to 27 ingredients, in body care products, that aren’t safe for proper development.  Steer clear from things like parabens, synthetic fragrances (or synthetic anything, really), and triclosans.  For a list of most-toxic offenders, download the Healthy Child, Healthy World free eBook, “Easy Steps to a Healthy & Safe Nursery.”

3.  Open a window.   I was a little shocked to find out that the air inside my home is more toxic than the air outside my home.  I guess opening a window to “get some fresh air” isn’t too far of a stretch, even if you live in a metro area!

4.  Eat more whole foods.  This one is a good one, and I think that it’s the hardest for my family.  Processed foods contain so many synthetics, artificial this and that, and they really lack so many nutrients that our bodies need.  Many of the things found in non-whole foods are also linked to health issues like ADHD and even cancer. Stonyfield Organic offers an arrangement of foods for babies, kids and adults; pure, delicious organic yogurts, smoothies, soy yogurts, ice cream and milk.  They are all made without:

        • Synthetic hormones
        • Toxic Persistent Pesticides
        • GMOs
        • Artificial Ingredients

5.  Ban the can.  We don’t eat canned goods, because the cans are typically lined with hormone disruptor, BPA, which has been linked to all sorts of health problems, including cancer.

Seventh Generation‘s approach to healthier children is simple.

Chemicals are guilty until proven innocent – Well of course, we we’re pretty sure innocence isn’t going to be found anytime soon!

Eliminate known hazards – Do your part, and reduce your risks.

Take a precautions when uncertainty exists – If you don’t know, don’t stick around to find out!

Check out the Seventh Generation campaign for a toxin-free generation!

Get your $1 off Seventh Generation Coupon!

Do you want your voice to be heard? Take action and show your support for the Safe Chemicals Act!

Disclosure:  I received products from Seventh Generation and The Motherhood as part of my participation in the Healthy Baby Initiative with Healthy Child, Healthy World, Stonyfield, and Seventh Generation.  All opinions are my own.