It’s more than likely that you will someday find yourself at the mercy of pesky invaders. These common household pests can cause a variety of problems.

Whether it’s cockroaches, termites, bed bugs, or mice, these unwelcome invaders can cause a range of issues in our homes. Identifying these pests early on is crucial to take swift action and eliminate them effectively. While some homeowners may attempt DIY methods, often the most reliable solution lies in seeking professional assistance from experts in pest control services. If you are in the country then a great option would be someone like offer comprehensive programs that include inspection, treatment, and prevention of pests, ensuring a pest-free environment for your peace of mind. When faced with a pest infestation, it’s wise to trust the expertise of pest control professionals who have years of experience in pest control services, the knowledge and tools to eradicate pests efficiently and effectively. Don’t let pests take control of your home—take the necessary steps to eliminate them and reclaim your space.

American Cockroaches

Image via Flickr by kodomut

They prefer living in warm places that give them access to food. In other words, they prefer living in your home. You’ll find in your home’s basement, cabinets, and other dark places. They prefer to stay out of sight, so you may have to do some investigating in order to find them.

So, what’s the big deal about these cockroaches? Just because you can find them everywhere doesn’t mean that they’re harmless. In fact, they can carry 33 different types of bacteria, six parasitic worms, and several other pathogens that can be harmful to humans.

The cockroaches also leave their droppings all over the place. Gross, right? It’s worse than that. Those droppings can cause allergic reactions and asthma, especially in children exposed to droppings regularly.

Drywood Termites

Drywood termites are light brown insects with six legs. They can grow up to an inch long. Plus, they have antennae that make them look creepy. Check out these termite pictures to help you determine what type of termite you have in your home.

Drywood termites usually live along coastal areas, but they don’t discriminate between the Pacific and Atlanta shores.

As with other termites, these pests try their hardest to eat every inch of drywood in your home.

Bed Bugs

Image via Flickr by Gilles San Martin

Bed bugs have become an increasingly costly problem, especially in places like New York City, where the bugs can move from apartment to apartment.

These tiny bugs rarely exceed a quarter inch long. They can be red, brown, mahogany, or even colorless. This makes them hard to spot. More often than not, you’ll feel their bites before you see them in your home.

Bed bugs aren’t really dangerous, but they are extremely annoying and painful. They tend to hide in bedding, couches, and blankets, where they can suck blood from their victims. Luckily, they do not transmit any diseases. Once you get bit, though, you’ll do anything to get bed bugs out of your life. Unfortunately, they’re a robust species that often require professional extermination.

House Mice

Outside of your home, these mice can actually look cute. When you catch them inside, though, you know you have a serious problem.

This is the most common rodent in the U.S. and many other parts of the world. They’re usually grow to about two inches long. They usually have light brown fur, although some are black.

As the most common rodent pest, you should keep your eyes open for signs of house mice. Common signs include droppings and holes chewed in boxes containing food.

Even though these mice look cute, they can bring other pests into your home, including ticks, mites, fleas, and lice. Their droppings and urine can also cause allergies, especially in children. Fortunately, Drake Lawn & Pest Control has a program that includes the inspection, treatment, and prevention of pests in your property.

Have you ever found a pest infestation in your home? Did you handle the problem yourself, or did you turn to a professional to get rid of the pests for you?

Jessica Snow is a young writer from sunny Florida who enjoys learning and writing about a myriad of topics. When shes not glued to her laptop you can find her running the trails with her Great Dane, David.