Although it has recently become a fad to reduce your carbon footprint, the practice of conserving energy has always been important. Like with many other subjects, the first step towards practicing good energy usage is to educate your children. By discussing concepts behind energy usage, your child can learn where energy comes from and why saving energy can help save our future and our planet.

1. Define Energy


Image via flickr by janie.hernandez55

One particular matter to tackle with your kids is the definition of energy and where it comes from. Quite simply, energy is the force needed to get something done. It appeals to a wide array of topics from living organisms to power plants. However, note to your children the difficulties and costs associated with energy use on a daily level. Be certain to also break down the various sources of energy. Only then can they fully grasp it’s importance. If you are searching for some reading material that will help you make sense of the subject, check out some books on energy.

2. Energy Sources

Once your children understand what exactly energy is and why it is important, the next step would be to discuss energy sources. Explain that energy sources vary, with the most distinct difference being between renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Non-renenwable sources include minerals and other materials (oil, coal, natural gas) that will someday disappear, while renewable sources are sun and wind. By using renewable resources, the source of energy can be prolonged.

3. Results of Energy Usage

While educating your child on the definition of energy and its various sources is a great first step towards energy education, explaining why it’s use is so important is the main point. Tell your children that several energy sources will eventually run out, and that’s why conserving their use is so imperative to our society. Also, explain to your children how much energy costs just in your household. A good example is to show your kids the monthly power bill. By placing a monetary value on energy, your kids will be more apt to turn lights and appliances off when not using them.

4. Global Warming

Whether or not you believe that global warming is a hoax or not, one thing that can certainly be agreed upon is the fact that using more energy emits more greenhouse gases. These gases do many things to our environment, such as create pollution and warm the planet, even if only slightly. The results of this can be catastrophic — floods, droughts, starvation, pollution, and extreme weather are just a bit of the aftermath caused by this. While energy usage is necessary for daily life, conservation can help put these results off for a longer period, effectively saving the planet until humans find new energy sources.

No matter what you decide to tell your children, just let them know that flicking off the light switch goes a long way to helping save our planet and all that’s in it. To engage your child, have them come up with five daily things they can do to help reduce energy consumption and have them follow through with it. Remember, the first step is education. The next step is action.

Guest Contributor Amanda Brown is a freelance writer whom enjoys playing and coaching volleyball. She loves her friends and family including her dog, Charlie; as well as traveling all around the world.