Can I just say that I have the best friends a girl could ever ask for?  What’s even better is that I’ve never even met some of these girls in person, and they love me enough to do something totally awesome!

Remember my Keurig post?  You know, complete and utter jealous that I’m the only blogger left standing without a Keurig?  Well, guess what?!  You see what’s behind me in this pic?

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I came home from the Pumpkin Festival Saturday, laid down, and five minutes later, the doorbell rang.

I hear the boys  running through the house “MOM!!!! DAD NEEDS YOU QUICK!! HURRY FAST MOM!!!”

I get to the door, and there were two boxes from Keurig!  This is what as in them.

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Of course, I immediately went to Facebook with one of those “Who done it?” posts, and they couldn’t contain their excitement either!  Apparently, they started a Facebook Group (or something?) to facilitate all of this, and they had been stalking Fedex all day!  These girls!

I’m so grateful to have such wonderful friends who didn’t want to see me go another day with “sub-par” (as one said) coffee!  This gesture has changed my life!  It’s sooooooo easy to wake up and push a button.  Love it.

I have loved trying out all the different types of K-cups that they sent as well as the ones that came with the Keurig!

Thank you Alison, Colleen, Sheri, Rachel, Karen, Beth, Kimberly, and Jennifer.  I love you ladies to pieces!!!