I can remember when my daughter was born (almost 15 years ago!  eeek!) we had a hard time finding products in stores with her name on them.  Back then, there was online shopping, but it wasn’t as popular (or affordable) as it is now, and even though Kylie was becoming a popular name, companies were playing it safe by sending retail stores names like Amanda, Elizabeth, Sara, Eric, Ben, and Chris.  Variations of spellings were hard to come by.  We could find Kyle everywhere, just no Kyle.

Now, it’s become so easy to hop online and purchase customized and personalized pencils, stickers, clothing, ornaments, and so much more.

I was excited to find that the Santa Claus Christmas Store has personalized family Christmas ornaments for every size family!  Most personalized ornaments you see only allow you to put your family name on them and give you the option of 3, 4, or 5 little people or fun characters, but this site actually has options for families with 3 to 10 members, and it allows you to put your family name as well as name each individual character on the ornament!  I LOVE IT!

Isn’t it absolutely adorable?  Love. love. love.  This ornament is made of resin, and it’s pretty thick and heavy.  It’s 3.25 inches wide, and only $15.95.  Great price for a completely custom ornament.

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While I was browsing the site, I also came across another pretty awesome ornament that I just HAD to have!  Don’t laugh.  Ok, you can laugh if you want to, just don’t hate.  I LOVE this ornament.  I know my father-in-law will appreciate it, too.  They also have one that’s a mold of the donkey!

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Santa Claus Christmas Store has anything you can possible want for Christmas!  They have everything from snow villages to wreaths as well as kids puppets to all different kinds of ornaments and collectables.  It’s a great one-stop Christmas shop!

Disclosure – I was given the above ornaments for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.  I was not compensated for this post.