You can most definitely tell that it’s spring!  This time of year is always hopping with activities!

Right now, we have two boys in baseball, The Teenager wants to be involved in anything and everything going on at school, church, and in town, and The Minion just wants the freedom to run around outside.  All. day. long.

Once you add that I’m coordinating the Houston Natural Parenting Expo featuring The Great Cloth Diaper Change as well as getting Mommy Resource Bags together for several Diaper Change events around the country….  we’re one busy family!

Months like these call for lots of coffee!  So, you can understand why I was none-too-happy when it took me 10 minutes to find the stem to my percolator!

Of course, once I found it, I had to chuckle.  The Entertainer is in charge of putting up utensils that belong here: