Have you heard of The Teal Pumpkin Project?  You’ve probably seen it going around Facebook, but, like me, you probably haven’t clicked on any articles until now.

The Teal Pumpkin Project | #Halloween #FoodAllergy

Now that you have, it could help you brighten quite a few neighborhood kiddos’ trick-or-treating experience!  And it’s so easy!

All you have to do is paint a pumpkin teal, and put it on your porch this Halloween.  This lets neighbors and friends know that you’re providing allergy free treats to trick-or-treaters in the area!  Need some ideas?  Pinterest has a category dedicated to The Teal Pumpkin Project where you can find Allergy Free Halloween Treat Ideas.

Does this mean that all of your treats must be allergy free?  No way.  Just remember to keep your treats completely separate so that there is no cross contamination.

The Teal Pumpkin Project was designed to help encourage food allergy families and friends start something new in their communities!

FARE’s (Food Allergy Research & Education) Teal Pumpkin Project™ promotes safety, inclusion and respect of individuals managing food allergies. This nationwide movement offers an alternative for kids with food allergies, as well as other children for whom candy is not an option, and keeps Halloween a fun, positive experience for all!

I have a very good friend whose son has a severe peanut allergy.  It’s a VERY serious allergy, and it is 100% life threatening.  She and her son have opened my eyes to the importance of allergy awareness in any situation.

Will you join The Teal Pumpkin Project this year?  Take The Teal Pumpkin Project Pledge!