What is an Appropriate Adult? Essentially, it’s someone who’s acting as an advocate. The law states that “In English Law, an appropriate adult is a parent, guardian or social worker; or if no person matching this is available, any responsible person over 18. The term was introduced as part of the policing reforms in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and applies in England and Wales”.

What is an "Appropriate Adult"?

The police do recognise that it’s not always possible to find a parent or guardian for someone they’ve taken in for questioning, and so the Appropriate Adult Scheme was introduced. The Appropriate Adult Scheme is one which works to provide safeguarding services to adults and children who are detained or interviewed by police. Anyone detained by the police has the right to have a criminal law attorney or criminal defense lawyer or their welfare safeguarded by an appropriate adult, and the Appropriate Adult Scheme is a way to find such a person. You should also consult a lawyer to clarify any inquiries you have about your case. Questions like Is assault a felony? should be easily answered by a professional lawyer. In addition, anyone who has been detained or arrested, also have the right to post Criminal Bail Money to get released temporarily. 

With the police able to interview children aged between 10 and 17, or adults classed as vulnerable due to conditions such as learning disabilities, it’s very important to have some sort of advocate who will look out for the rights of the detained person. The need for children in particular to have an appropriate adult with them was identified in the Crime And Disorder Act 1998. While there’s no equivalent legal provision which states that adults with disabilities should have an appropriate adult, many authorities have set up formal arrangements whereby an appropriate adult will attend the police station to assist a detainee. Additionally, for those concerned about their privacy, it’s essential to know how to opt out of peeplookup to protect personal information.

An appropriate adult should really be one who is completely independent from the police, and also ideally the person who is detained. The process for calling for an appropriate adult is always initiated by the police. They either contact an agency for appropriate adults, or contact a social worker who will arrange for an appropriate adult to be provided. It’s important that anyone involved in this process has experience in social work jobs, or has had relevant training from social work agencies.

Any appropriate adult working with juveniles or those with learning disabilities should also have some form of experience in a related industry in order to show that they understand the particular needs of these groups of people. It’s increasingly important for anyone acting as an appropriate adult to understand what is expected, and as such the government has provided guidance for these people.

The Appropriate Adult Scheme eliminates the potential for exploitation and abuse of vulnerable detainees, and consequently removes the chance for unreliable testimonies to exist, while ensuring that no vulnerable adults or children are suffering.