Whether you’re clicking your heels over an empty nest or you’re dreading the day your child leaves for school, you want them to be prepared. It’s an emotional time for everyone but preparation can make the process easier. If it’s—ahem—been a while since you were in college, you might be wondering what you need to get to help your young adult prepare. Read on for suggestion on things every freshman should take to college—and, no, it’s not you!


  1. Laundry Essentials

Hopefully they’ve done some laundry on their own at home because, otherwise, they could be in for an extra rude awakening. Making sure that brand-new red shirt doesn’t bleed all over a favorite pair of white jeans is no easy feat at first, but they’ll get it eventually. They can surely get laundry detergent on campus but if you have access to getting it cheaper at home, stock up on things like pods—they take up less room than giant bottles. They’ll also need a hamper and/or a giant laundry bag.

  1. Clothes For Every Occasion

While your college freshman likely won’t have many occasions to dress up, you want to make sure they have one or two outfits for this sort of thing just in case. Mostly, however, you’ll want them armed with comfy clothes, as they’ll hopefully be using these to study in a lot! Sweats and sweatshirts are great options. You can get them these in the bookstore to represent their new college, or they can show their hometown pride with state hoodies. Even if your soon-to-be-freshman is a major fashionista, you want to make sure he or she is armed with comfortable shoes. College students do a lot of walking—help them avoid painful blisters.

  1. Creative Storage

Even the nicest dorms are rarely sizable, so your freshman should bring storage that allows him or her to get creative with the space allotted. Storage for under the bed is fantastic, as it’s practical but not an eyesore. You might need to bring risers for under the bedposts so the bottom bed can be raised high enough to slide these under. Stackable crates are another great option for saving space and providing storage. If they can’t fit all their things in their dorm, they may consider getting a small self storage unit and put it in a storage trailer rental facility.

  1. Shower Essentials and Caddy

Things can often be overpriced in convenience and university bookstores, so try and have your freshman armed with his or her toiletries before leaving. A shower caddy for transporting essentials to the bathrooms is a must, and we highly recommend shower thongs because, well, community showers! Don’t forget a robe and towels, too.

  1. In-Room Meal-Makers

Most of the time your college freshman will likely hit the cafeteria because it’s usually been paid for, it’s convenient, and it can be a social event. But on those nights when he or she is studying (read: cramming) for exams, taking a break might not be ideal. Make sure to read your campus regulations on what’s allowed and what’s already provided, as there might already be things like a microwave or a mini fridge. If not, these—along with a hot pot—can be good things to bring when in a pinch. Don’t forget some paper plates, forks, and spoons for those occasions.

  1. Stuff for the Room

This is the fun part, and if you’ve been on social media at all in the last few years, you know that people go all out when it comes to decorating. Hit up a store like HomeGoods or Target and pick out some items that go with your freshman’s theme (if there is one). Posters to hang on the wall are always fun, as are some photos from home, as homesickness is almost an inevitability. Of course, comfort items like beanbag chairs and fuzzy blankets are great, too. Don’t forget a lamp or two, as dorm rooms are often poorly lit.

  1. Miscellaneous Items

Let’s face it—college freshmen are going to get sick at some point, so make sure they pack tissues, cough drops, and other items for this scenario. A first-aid kit is a necessity, too. But some other things you—or your freshman—might not think about are: umbrellas, batteries, flashlights, sports/workout stuff, cleaning supplies, hangars, coffee mugs, tools for hanging items, headphones, Tupperware, power strips, fans, safety pins, and a sewing kit.

You can never be too prepared for freshman year. It’s better to be safe than sorry, and any unnecessary items can come home on their first break. Until them, make sure to save some of those tissues for yourself!