If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a few months without luck, it’s always sensible to book an appointment to see your doctor and take a look at your options. In some instances, it could be that you haven’t managed to attempt the conceptions at the right times. However, there are also situations in which you might benefit from one form of treatment or another. The entire experience can become daunting for many adults, and so this article will help to explain what might happen at that medical appointment in a great consultation office and with the best figs scrubs dupes for their team so they can offer the best attention. The standard treatment options for this issue are listed below, and so you should take a moment to read through them. With a bit of luck, it will put your mind at ease.

Which Fertility Options Are Open To You?


In the first instance, most doctors will prescribe some fertility medication that is usually taken by the woman in the relationship according to experts from WebMD and other sites. That is because the drugs help to assist with ovarian issues that could prevent pregnancy from occurring. There are lots of different brands out there, but the most common fertility medications include:

  • Clomifene
  • Tamoxifen
  • Metformin
  • Gonadotrophins

Each of those medications helps to treat a different ovarian problem that could prove to be the reason you haven’t managed to bring a baby into the world yet. If your doctor asks you to try them out; you have nothing to lose!

Surgical Procedures

In situations where medication doesn’t seem to make an improvement, your medical expert might recommend some surgical procedures. However, you do not need to stress as few of these surgeries will involve substantial operations, and you won’t have to spend more than an hour under anesthetic. Your doctor might advise you to try:

  • Fallopian tube surgery
  • Endometriosis, fibroids and PCOS
  • Laparoscopic surgery
  • Correcting an epididymal blockage and surgery to retrieve sperm

Again, you have nothing to lose, and so it’s worth taking any advice your doctor gives onboard. None of those operations is going to cause you a lot of pain or discomfort.

Assisted Conception

Lastly, if you still struggle to get pregnant, there is a reasonable chance you might have to try some form of assisted contraception. That could mean:

  • Intrauterine insemination
  • In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  • Egg and sperm donation

You sometimes have to pay a lot of money for help of that nature, and so it’s worth checking rates before you sign on the dotted line. Experts from companies like MCRM Fertility claim more people donate eggs today than at any point in the past. So, there is a reasonable chance you will end up with the baby of your dreams if you choose that option.

Now you know about some of the options on the table when it comes to fertility treatment and making sure you can start a family; you should feel a little less stressed about what might happen at your upcoming doctor’s appointment. If you need more advice on this issue or anything else associated with parenting, please take a moment to check out some of the other articles on this blog before you leave today.

See you again soon!