The debate about whether to get pets for children is an old one, and many parents have it at some point. Animals make some of the best companions, especially in single-child homes. The interaction between kids and domesticated animals can play a critical role in development.

Understandably, some parents have misgivings about keeping pets, particularly given the care they demand. If you are getting fish, for instance, you need the right habitat to keep it alive. You’ll need a test kit for the aquarium before using it to make sure that the environment is suitable. However, getting that dog, hamster or goldfish for your little one can have a few positive influences.

Physical Activity

A big plus side of having some types of pets like cats, dogs and rabbits is the running around that they incite among children. Kids with pets rarely sit in the same place and that, moving around serves as great exercise. Parents can reduce weight risks like childhood obesity and diabetes without worrying about finding the right hands-on activities for their young ones about staying fit. Physically active children are healthier, and that means fewer doctor visits and an improved lifestyle.

Better General Health

Besides staying fit, some research has shown that pet ownership can contribute to improved general health. For one, pets can decrease stress. Even children go through stressful situations, especially if they go to school. The companionship offered by that furry friend can eliminate the stress of a bad day. With the right hygiene practices, a child can sleep with a pet, leading to a more fulfilling rest. Children who live with pets from a young age can build strong immune systems, minimising the risk of common health issues.

Higher Learning

Pets can promote learning capabilities in children. Kids look at their pets as equals and reading is one activity that they share with them. You will find a child busy explaining a favourite fairy tale or comic book story to a critter. The engagement that a child has with a pet can stimulate creativity and boost cognitive functions. It is why animals like dogs are used for therapy in children with developmental and cognitive issues.

Improved Behavior

Growing up with a pet shapes a child’s behavior positively on several fronts. Empathy and compassion are two traits that pet ownership instills in children. They learn to care about other creatures, worrying about their well-being and feelings. Children grow up to respect nature and the other organisms that share it.

Better Discipline

Most parents who advocate for pet ownership do so for the responsibility that this role inspires in children. Whether it’s a parrot, guinea pig or kitten, an animal needs care. A child can be tasked with small roles like cleaning up after the animal or changing its water. As a young one grows, the duties can increase according to capabilities. Over time, children develop a sense of discipline and obedience.

Parents should be aware of the demands that pet ownership comes with when they decide to get them for their children, like for instance dog training, grooming, etc. They must also be clear about the right pet to get to match the personality of the owner. Yorkie puppies for sale can be a great option as your child’s first pet. You should also look for a nearby animal clinic for the pet’s immunizations and checkups.