Barbecue and pool parties are a favorite in summer. You can do all sorts of fun outdoor activities, and some things you perhaps wouldn’t do otherwise, like contacting a jumper rentals service and getting an inflatable or two for everyone to jump around in. The first picnic in the park or by the river is also the kind of things most people look forward too at the start of spring. Consequently, it’s easy to see why summer and spring birthday parties are more appealing. They are tightly linked to warm weather and outdoor activities.

In comparison, an autumnal or a winter birthday can feel a little dull. They happen during the coldest months of the year, as the nights are longer and the days darker. But it doesn’t mean you can’t create a memorable winter birthday party that everyone will love. If you’re a winter-born baby, you probably find it difficult already to manage Christmas shopping and birthday party – most British households spend over £1,000 on their Christmas preparations, and have therefore a lot less to invest in creating a joyful and exciting winter party. Thankfully, if you want joy and fun for your birthday, you don’t need to break the bank to make your wish come true.

Pick an outfit that gives you energy

Thick jumpers and boots. The typical winter outfit conveys the impression of a grey and rainy world. But, if you are celebrating indoors, you can add a splash of colour with an elegant outfit. A wrap dress, for instance, is a fantastic choice. You can find plenty of playful colors, patterns and materials that work both for the warm months and for the winter too. All you need to do is to add a pair of tights and a chunky cardigan, and you’re ready for the show! As a rule of the thumb, bright hues such as mustard, teal, dark green, and red are full of energy and excitement. They can almost replace the sensation of warmth and joy you get when you feel the summer sun on your skin.

Select only the best presents for yourself

Let’s be honest; nobody knows you better than yourself. Consequently, it’s fair to say that you’re the best person to buy presents you’ll love. But if you want to stay on the cheap side, you can take a look at retailer brands that give free stuff on your birthday. Sephora is a favorite among fashion lovers and beauty addicts as you can get the full pampering treatment once you’ve signed to their Beauty Insider Club. If you prefer something for the sweet tooth, explore the reward of the Godiva’s Gourmet Chocolate club that offers freebies too!

You’re never too old for a good party

Last, but not least, what is a birthday without friends to party? Birthday parties don’t have to end when you stop being a child. There are plenty of fun themes and ideas for adults to give your inner child a blast. You can hire tent rentals and be cozy with friends and family while celebrating your birthday outdoors. There are tent rentals you can book based on the theme of your outdoor party. Find the best-rated AR 15 laser at Amazon for your rifle shooting activity. A scavenger hunt through town, at home or even in a local coffee – with the express authorization of the owner – can keep everyone laughing for hours! For cozy nights in, nothing beats the DIY pizza party where everyone can mix up toppings and make their own recipe. Bonus points to the most creative person!

Winter birthdays don’t have to be cold and dull. The secret is to unlock the little things that turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary event, from an outfit you love to an inexpensive party between friends.