I am Queen Amidoula! | #doula #starwars #birthgeek #birth

Yesterday, after having a conversation with one of my beautiful friends from high school who is about to have her second baby, I posted this on Facebook: I love that my friends from high school (and even Jr. High) come to me now with pregnancy, birth, and baby questions! Makes me feel accomplished. A few minutes later, a blogger friend, Sheila from That's because you are queen Amidoula! She knows me well!  But, now, I have this image in my head of me as Queen Amidala holding a new baby!  So, here goes! This is what you get when Star…
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16 pound baby born in East Texas! (WHOA!) How big are your babies?

My sister-in-law and I joke all the time about how our babies, this-go-round, are going to be opposite of the last babies we had. My babies have progressively gotten bigger. (All born circa 38 wks.) Kylie - 7 lb 14 oz Braxton - 8 lb 8 oz Hawk - 9 lb 6 oz My sister-in-law's babies are considerably smaller, like 6 lb (sorry, E, I can't remember exactly). We've joked and joked that this time, it's going to be the opposite.  She keeps saying she's going to have the whopper and I'm going to have a little one.  Fat chance!…
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