Do you breastfeed in public? | #breastfeeding #nip (as in Nurse in Public)

I am pro breastfeeding. I am pro breastfeeding in public. I've always been cool with anyone breastfeeding in public, and I used to have little cards with the Texas law on them that I'd hand out to women I'd see nursing in public, just in case they ever get into a situation where they're asked to stop or leave a public area. Something I've probably mentioned before is that I've even breastfed my babies at Astros games with 40,000 people around and no one had a clue. In Texas, you're allowed to nurse your baby anywhere you're allowed to be…
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Mobile Breastfeeding Truck – Lactivism or Counterproductive?

I checked out this article that a friend of mine posted on Facebook (thanks Amanda) about a woman in Pittsburgh who has this vision to buy an ice cream truck, stick a giant boob on top, and park in front of the public places where women are harassed for breastfeeding in public! PREFACE: Now, I'm allllll for breastfeeding in public.  It's actually my right to breastfeed in public if I so wish.  It's actually the law - breastfeeding in public is legal in Texas. I Breastfeed in Public. But you'd never know it. I'm extremely discrete, and my goal is…
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