I am pro breastfeeding. I am pro breastfeeding in public.

I’ve always been cool with anyone breastfeeding in public, and I used to have little cards with the Texas law on them that I’d hand out to women I’d see nursing in public, just in case they ever get into a situation where they’re asked to stop or leave a public area.

Something I’ve probably mentioned before is that I’ve even breastfed my babies at Astros games with 40,000 people around and no one had a clue.

In Texas, you’re allowed to nurse your baby anywhere you’re allowed to be yourself.

Why businesses can’t understand this law, I do not know.

Why businesses can’t see the backlash that other businesses get when they try to oust a breastfeeding mom, I do not know.

I am NOT, however, a fan of a mom breastfeeding in public, with her girls all hanging out, just because she can.

My personal opinion (and it’s my blog, so I can’t do that!) is that if breastfeeding women want to be shown respect in public places, then they should show the same amount of respect in return.

I’ve always breastfed in public, and I’ve never had any problems.  I make sure that I’m aware of what is showing while Jett’s nursing, and if he gets too restless and tries to pull up my shirt, I just go to the car.  I don’t mind, at all.  As a matter of fact, I try to nurse him in the care before I go in, because I’m not a big fan of making anyone else around me uncomfortable.  That’s just me.

I know that there are women who are completely covered and still get the stink eye.  To me, that’s the other person’s problem.  If nothing is showing, and they’re just bothered by the fact that they actually KNOW what I’m doing, then that’s on them.

So I’m curious.  Do you nurse in public?  If so, do you care what anyone else thinks?  Do you make an effort to cover up? Have you ever had a problem?

Let me know your story!