Quick Sew Flap Wrap (QSFW) Cloth Diaper Pattern and Tutorial

After receiving this cloth diaper in a donation package a while back, I was perplexed!  I had no idea what this was called or how to explain to someone how to use it! After a shout out on Facebook, and SEVERAL responses later, I found out that the proper name for this diaper is a QSFW Diaper, or Quick Sew Flap Wrap or Quick Snap Flap Wrap, depending on how you make it. (I kinda like my name of quick flap wrapity zap!) I decided that I wanted to make some for the new baby,  so I went in search…
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Quick Sew Flap Wrap (QSFW) Cloth Diaper – Size Dilemma HELP!

This past week, an awesome supporter of The Cloth Diaper Foundation, Julie, donated this really cool, strange, odd, twisty, awesome cloth diaper to the organization. After a shout out on Facebook, and SEVERAL responses later, I found out that the proper name for this diaper is a QSFW Diaper, or Quick Sew Flap Wrap or Quick Snap Flap Wrap, depending on how you make it. (I kinda like my name of quick flap wrapity zap!) I have decided I want to make a few to enter into the Cloth Diaper Foundation Sew a Diaper Contest/Fundraiser, so I went in search…
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