This past week, an awesome supporter of The Cloth Diaper Foundation, Julie, donated this really cool, strange, odd, twisty, awesome cloth diaper to the organization.

quick sew flap wrapAfter a shout out on Facebook, and SEVERAL responses later, I found out that the proper name for this diaper is a QSFW Diaper, or Quick Sew Flap Wrap or Quick Snap Flap Wrap, depending on how you make it. (I kinda like my name of quick flap wrapity zap!)

I have decided I want to make a few to enter into the Cloth Diaper Foundation Sew a Diaper Contest/Fundraiser, so I went in search of a pattern!

The COOL thing is, I ran across a QSFW pattern, that says right across the front ” Feel free to sell items made with this pattern.  If you do, it would be swell if you donated a few to…”  Awesome, right?

quick sew flap wrapGet your FREE QSFW pattern HERE:

Here’s a link to how you put this type of QSFW diaper on your baby!

My dilemma is, I’m not sure what size I should make to enter into the fundraiser!  Can you help me with that?

Thank you for your help! I look forward to making this and posting pics when I’m done!!