Older woman’s take on “that green thing”. | Eco-Friendly back in the day!

In the line at the store, the cashier told an older woman that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. The woman apologized to him and explained, "We didn't have the green thing back in my day." The clerk responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment." He was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its day. Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be…
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Eco-Friendly Friday Linkup – Green Living | Feature – Cloth Diapering on the Cheap

Eco-Friendly Friday Welcome to Eco-Friendly Friday!  Please feel free to link up and share your eco-friendly posts, information, and contests! Of course, with anything new, it will start out small, but with your help, we can grow this into something big to help spread green living through our blogs.  We can influence the carbon footprint of others, one post at a time. Please make sure you keep it family friendly.  If you have a giveaway to post, please note *Giveaway* in some way at the beginning of your entry. SHARE WITH YOUR ECO-MINDED FRIENDS! (more…)
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Eco-Friendly Friday Linkup – Green Living | Feature – Cloth Diaper Stripping

Eco-Friendly Friday Welcome to Eco-Friendly Friday!  Please feel free to link up and share your eco-friendly posts, information, and contests! Of course, with anything new, it will start out small, but with your help, we can grow this into something big to help spread green living through our blogs.  We can influence the carbon footprint of others, one post at a time. Please make sure you keep it family friendly.  If you have a giveaway to post, please note *Giveaway* in some way at the beginning of your entry. SHARE WITH YOUR ECO-MINDED FRIENDS! (more…)
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Eco-Friendly Friday Linkup – Green Living | Feature – Ecover

Eco-Friendly Friday Welcome to Eco-Friendly Friday!  Please feel free to link up and share your eco-friendly posts, information, and contests! Of course, with anything new, it will start out small, but with your help, we can grow this into something big to help spread green living through our blogs.  We can influence the carbon footprint of others, one post at a time. Please make sure you keep it family friendly.  If you have a giveaway to post, please note *Giveaway* in some way at the beginning of your entry. SHARE WITH YOUR ECO-MINDED FRIENDS! (more…)
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